
The teenage years are a time of great upheaval in a person’s life, full of physical and emotional changes. Worrying about not being normal or good enough are common.

Teenagers think everything revolves around them. They often think that nobody else has ever gone through the same things or had the same feelings as them. Accepting help with body functions due to illness is hard to deal with for the teenager, as this makes them feel less whole and in control.

The teenage years are a time of liberation and the need to get to decide for yourself. Teenagers have a big need to take a step back and clearly demonstrate their integrity by distancing themselves from their immediate family. An increased dependency, which can be a natural consequence of illness, can therefore be difficult for everyone involved. However, behind a tough façade, you often find a small, uncertain and anxious person who is in big need of help, and, in their heart of hearts, enormously grateful for help and support.

In association with anaesthesia, there is often a fear of waking up in the middle of the operation or not waking up at all afterwards. There is also often a worry about losing control, saying something inappropriate or of not being able to control their bladder or bowels.

Teenagers want to be considered, respected and prepared as adult persons. They generally have enough biological knowledge to understand how the body and organ system work. They can think hypothetically, draw conclusions from information given and work out the consequences of set actions. Teenagers are therefore not satisfied with simply being told what is going to happen during a certain procedure or treatment. They want extensive information about the entire course of care, what examinations and treatments are being done and what the expected effects will be. Teenagers should be encouraged to ask questions and to be included in discussions, question and answer sessions and decisions that concern them. Preparing them should be started in good time to allow room for reflection and thoughts.

