MediPrep is produced by a unique collaboration of a multi-professional team with competencies in child health, children’s healthcare, and media production with several patient organizations and hundreds of children and adolescents of all ages.
The design of MediPrep derives from known principles of children's learning. All content produced by MediPrep has a firm scientific basis and is quality assured by medical experts and specialists in their respective fields.
MediPrep is created together with children and adolescent who are actively involved in every aspect of the work from management and planning to production and testing. All content on MediPrep is based on the ideas, experiences, perspectives and needs of children and adolescents. They play a central role in the production process. They write and review texts, and are fully involved both behind and in front of the cameras and microphones. They record, cut, and edit films and podcast. For children and adolescents with children and adolescents!
The MediPrep project is managed from Astrid Lindgren's Children's Hospital at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm.
Project Manager and Publisher
Gunilla Lööf – Anaesthesia Nurse, PhD
Contact: [email protected]
UX, Design and Web Development
Nico Arnold
Web Development
Niklas Lundberg
Graphic Design and Illustrations
Tintin Timén
Christin Philipson, Oscar Lüren, Peter Lydén, iStock Photo, Shutterstock
Video-, Sound- and Media Production
Elis Lindsten, Felicia Lefvedahl, Joakim Stenberg, Kristian Didrik Jeremic-Laache, Lukas Berglund
Annika Wallin
Amanda Wisler, Annika Wallin, Gunilla Lööf, Noomi Hebert
Amanda Wisler
Audio Descriptions
Noomi Hebert
Acolad, Amanda Wisler, Neil Morton
MediPrep is funded by The Swedish Inheritance Fund
© MediPrep is a registered trademark owned by MediPrep Information
[email protected]