In the Recovery Suite

At the end of surgery, your child will be taken to the recovery suite. You will be contacted when it is time for you to go there. Please therefore make sure you can be contacted by phone, in the waiting room, or nearby.

The recovery suite is usually a large area where several patients of different ages are being cared for. Eating and drinking is strictly prohibited in the recovery suite as this can be disturbing both for your child and other patients who have just had surgery.

Mobile phones can be switched on in silent mode. You are welcome to send text messages but if you wish to make a phone call, please step outside the recovery suite.

Certain children and young people are distressed and need comforting, but most children will feel tired and the best thing is for them to wake up in their own time. All patients are given oxygen that flows in front of their face. Their breathing, pulse and oxygen levels are carefully monitored. When your child meets the criteria to be discharged from the recovery suite, you can return to the ward or go home.

