A Child Perspective and the Child's Perspective

How children and adults see and feel things often differ. Some things an adult sees as important can quickly go past children and young people. What adults see as routine can be what worries children the most. So, listen and take into account the child’s view, their feelings, and what they understand.

To meet the needs of children and young people, it is important to know what they are wondering about. How do they think and feel? How do they respond to different situations and events? How do they cope? Take the time to listen, respond to, and respect your child’s view of what is going to happen or what has happened. Stress to your child that no question is too silly or wrong to ask. Pay attention to questions, facial expressions, and signals that show how your child feels. Explain truthfully to the child if they are going to have an operation. Never say it will not be painful if it could be, but say that most pain can be stopped or reduced nowadays.

